Day 2: 4/5/06
Played about 20 Turbo's today. I'm better at the regulars, plain and simple. Its going to be hardwork to do this, I'm about to waste $33 on a rebuy so I'll have to recoup those losses tomorrow. I might as well just keep going AI and hope to get lucky...I'll prolly have a better chance.
I'm at $71-$33= $38. Then I might play $10 NL. We'll see. I keep moving around as I have no clue what I am best at and what will make me the most money the fastest. I just want to make money fast and be the best, GD! God Dammit.
I'm just rambling because its late and I'm bored. Lets try that poker tips deal...what did I learn today?
Don't let other people watch you play. I tend to play far worse when there is somebody else in the room, espcially one who knows poker and comments on my play. Surprisnly enough, instead of playing to looooooose to entertain them, I played far to tight to 'impress' them.
On a life side note (I know nobody cares), we did Sneak last night and are doing I-week starting tomorrow which means tons of time for poker, so sick! Speaking of which, I better x-fer some bucks to Neteller in case I bust....
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