Monday, April 17, 2006

I'm baaack!

Day: New start

Well, I took a small hiates because I once again blew my money doing something stupid. I can't quite remember what it was...oh right, playing a $33 rebuy. Now I'm back with $200 and hopefully can grind it out at the .05/.1 tables. I've never succesfully done any 'grinding.' I've either done really well and made a ton of money and then lost it or straight up lost it the first time around. I sort of like losing it the first time around because I don't beat myself up as much and save myself the time of going up then down.

So, once again. I have goals that I hope to abide although, although I am quite pesimistic and anybody knows me would be as well. I want to go pro though, I am a good player. I just lack disipline, GD.

Over the 250 hands I just played, I'm running 43 BB/100 which is 'bout $4 over 100 hands. Assuming an hour for 300 hands multitabling 4 tables and a much more realistic 20 BB/100 (we're talking 6-max penny games guys) I should be making $6 an hour. So lets say I play 3 hours a day, roughly 900 hands I'd be making $18 a day. My BR started at $200- now its at $225. We'll round to $20 a day. That's $140 a week. Not too bad...and lets be realistic, I'll be playing much more than 3 hours a day.

Shit, I started at 7:30 AM today and already have 400+ hands. Lets do this Ricky...if you can be consistent and can actually BEAT penny games, I can make some solid cash. I will not move up until I am CRUSHING the pennies. Lets do it.


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