Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Ugh. I had my first losing session today and it wasn't pretty. I dropped neary 4 buy-ins really quickily mostly due to some bad plays. The mornings seem to be far more aggresive and not nearly as passive/tight as the afternoon. I guess I just have to get used to it and I think I can really exploit it the people calling with all sorts of shit.

I'm still rocking over 5ptbb/100 which is my goal for $1/2 NL. If I can maintain that winrate, I really should be rolling in the dough pretty soon here. Unless I really feel ready, I can't play tournies as I just get frusterated and push push push. I'm looking at houses in Vegas and if I were to come back to the States, I think I would defiently try out Vegas for a little bit. I can get a pretty sick room for $500/month with a bunch of other addicts. Sweeeettttttttttt


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