Weekend activities and some poker
I had a pretty fun weekend that I should blog about so y’all don’t miss out on the life of Ricky. I drove home Thursday afternoon to make it in time for the Dark Night. Turns out I didn’t actually need to skip class as I ended up waiting 5 hours in line with all the other Batman dorks. It was fun though as I got to bug Chris and with about two hours to go we decided to roll over to a bar and grab some drinks. Batman itself was an awesome movie and def. worth the wait. Probably the best I’ve seen this year. The action and general plot of the movie was amazing, not to mention how creepy/cool Joker was.
Nothing happened after the movie and I just went to bed. Got to play some golf the next day. Evan and I went out and drank awesome fake Austerlian beer (Fosters is actually brewed in
I really wanted to get an actual keg for a small “house warming” party at Thakkor’s new apartment but Evan talked me out of it arguing that we would be lucky to get 5 people and a keg with 5 people is probably a bad idea. Yeah, probably right. So we settle with a mini Heinekin keg and some Longbored and head to Thakkors. The party is pretty funny. We have some drunk competitions; who can climb a palm tree (nobody), who can do 25 summersaults, drink a beer and then do 25 more, and some others I’m forgetting. I went against Dustin in the summersault deal and owned him on the summersaults as my technique was flawless but laughed the whole time trying to drink my beer. So he was on number 40 or so and I just finish my beer. Then I go into crazy summersault mode (something I don’t do often) and win 50-49. It was damn close. Then I sort of started drinking a whole shit load and ended up passing out on the most uncomfortable couch ever while playing TF2. I think I ordered a pizza at one point because I was pretending to be the “Don.” I woke up the next morning super tired and not feeling great. Fun night, though.
After driving back at 11:00 PM last night I’m now back in
I also banned myself from PTP’s “Shooting Off” as I didn’t want to deal with any more of the bullshit that goes on there. It is entertaining for me but far too many things piss me off and more importantly, it is a gigantic fucking waste of time. The useless drivel that occurs there astounds me sometimes…yet I still can’t help but read it. Anyway, problem solved! I’ll let my $8k in stakes run their course (they’ll probably be $4k by the end of it but whatever) and then probably limit myself to about $1k out at a time. The staking was fun and I’ll have to go through and figure out how much I actually made but I need to focus on my own poker as its much more profitable.
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