May 8th, 2009
Another long gap between posts. Been pretty busy in the meantime. I don't really want to write too much so I'll just make a short list.
1) I herniated my disk. It took 3 weeks to get a shot. The person who was in charge of getting it cleared through the insurance was a complete idiot and pretty much lied over and over again saying she was doing shit while she wasn't doing anything. So it took three weeks for it to happen...all the while I was seriously bedridden and in pretty intense pain. It was probably the worst three weeks of my life. I just popped vicadon's and cried because I couldn't do anything. Oh, and I just gotten a dog which made it 100x worse/better. Worse because I had to take him out all the time which was obv hard when I could hardly walk. Better because he could keep me company. But anywho, I finally got the shot/operation and although it took a week, I'm finally starting to recover.
2) I got a dog. It's a mini-Aussi shepred and is, without a doubt, the best dog ever. He is super smart, chill and can deal with anything (long car rides, swimming, hot/cold days, etc). Without further ado, here are some pics...
When I first got him.

Taken about a week ago.

3)I'm finally able to climb again. I just got back from two nights in Tahoe where I did a bit of bouldering. Nothing too hard but it was still awesome.
4) I moved out of my apartment. It turned out to be the worst situation possible. Long story short is that they fucked up and didn't give me the right form or tell me I needed a "pre walk through" so they could tell us what was broken, etc. To be honest, if we had done the pre walk through thing it would have been awesome because they would have said everything is broken and you need new carpets, etc. and then we would have said fuck it and not cleaned anything. But as it was, we spent a whole freaking day cleaning (Ok, like two hours spread over a whole day but it was still hard work) and then the walk through didn't mean anything and its likely I won't see any of my secrity deposit back. Oh well, fuck 'em. I'm pretty glad to be out of there.
I think that's about it. I really haven't done much because of my back. I still haven't found a van but continue to look. I figure if I don't find anything the Honda will suffice.
I'm actually starting to play a bit more poker since moving out as well. I had a pretty sick run of MTT's, hitting 4 or 5 FT's in 2 days for some serious cash. The shitty part is that I keep getting 5th-9th. I used to win tournies every time I got to the FT but I was clearly running pretty hot. It'd still be nice to have a huge score rather than these good but not great 5th-9th.
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