Monday, April 17, 2006


Today was my first day and its going great..and its not even over! Since 7:30 AM, I have been able to get in 1,001 hands and maintain a 26.82 BB/100! An amazing run of great cards for the first 800 or so hands helped me do this and being able to be patient for the last 200 hands when I won about 1 pot and in 6-max, that hurts. I've gotten AA and KK 4 times each so I'm pretty sure this streak once last much longer but I'll ride it while it does.

I still have to work on not reading forums while I play and focusing on the game. Its hard to have played $2k NL where the BB is equal to my entire stack now. Its just not as exciting but I'm going to grind it out this time, knowing that once I get the BR, I'll be back up there to compete with the best. Maybe I can get another 1k hands in tonight? The fish come out at night, so I hope so.



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