Friday, April 20, 2007


Its 4/20! Obv. not going to smoke because of conference and whatnot but hey, people in class are going to be high.

Poker is been sorta me-eh. I lost 4 buy-ins playing 1/2, jumped up to 25/50, won it back and called it good. I think I played some more 1/2 and won a buy-in or something. I also played the $150 and got 98th for $300ish. Freaking guy called me with 56s after I pushed in the SB for like 8k more at 1/2k with AQo.

Its a lot different playing poker when winning mattered. Before, because I'm a spoiled kid, if I lost I could just reload and be fine. Now I dont' want to do that. If I lose the money in my Stars account, I'm in trouble. If I don't make enough money once I get to China, then I'm going to have to come back to the US and do somthing here which would be the worst thing that could possible happen, ever. So the moral is, if you are playing me at $1/2, don't take my money because if you do, I'll have to leave China and my travels and come back to the US.


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