Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Nov 17th- some poker, life, etc

This weekend was pretty boring. I think I left the house once. I got addicted to DOTA for a bit and that was all I wanted to do. Aaron finally convinced me to quit- which I'm very thankful for.

Last night Aaron talked me into going to an AMSA club meeting where we learned how and practiced stictching on a pigs leg. The instructer was some big name plastic surgeon which was cool, I guess. Is was definitely weird to be back in school. The one thing I hated above all else was stupid people not grasping things quickly and this was no exception. We spent a good portion of the lab learning to tie a square knot which being the upstanding boyscot I am, already knew perfectly. Maybe not perfectly but I don't want to spend 30 freaking minutes tying a knot over and over.

Anywho, poker is going good. I paused my quest to become PLO world champ and instead am 16 tabling $1/2 6max. I took out a big portion of my roll because I'm not sure whats going to happen with the new UIGA and am not in the mood to lose more money because of the US Gov't (re: stocks!). But its fun to have to really grind it out again...something I haven't done in awhile.


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