Saturday, December 30, 2006


Sometimes I hate poker, sometimes I love it. Simply statement but gad, I go on runes like you woudln't believe and then run so bad, all I want to do is hurl myself out a window, preferable a high one. I guess I'm not really rolled for $400 NL anymore but I'm going to continue to play it until I get down to $1500, which hopefully won't happen. At $1500, I'll start playing $200 NL again. I have to change my playing style because I don't hit flops anymore and I don't win hands, so why play 'em?

The good news is I'm going to England soon.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I am going to play every big tourny today and hope to win each one. So far, so good. We'll see though.

Sunday, December 10, 2006


I really can do it! I have had 2 winnings sessions in the last two days, weeeeee! It is so much more fun to win than to lose, fo sho.

I am playing in the Sunday Million right now- doing alright with about 5k above average going into the first break. Gad, I just want to Fing cash. It would be less than $50 for a cash but that is all I want!! I don't need to FT or anything, just a measly cash so I can justfiy playing...although I'll prolly keep playing regardless if I cash or not.

Ramble ramble ramble, thats all I do on this blog. If you actually read this, leave a comment that it sucks and I'll try to change it.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


I really need to learn to play poker again. I have not won in about a week now so I am going to try and win again...starting now! I think I might just play a 15/9 game, ho ho ho!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


I havn't played for a bit because I was sucking so bad. I dropped about 7 buy-ins from terriable play and lack of concentration. I am going to wait until prolly tomorrow to rock a big 2 or 3 hour session of 2-tabling $400 NL....if all goes well.

In other news, I am going to get an apartment and join the track team, both of which should be tight.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


I lost, ops.

Sunday, December 03, 2006


Fuck it all. Lost about $800 on tournies tonight and am now in the process of making it up in cash games, procastanating everything. Go stupid me.


I'm pretty tired at this point. I drink and party too much and leave myself little time to play poker/do homework. On top of that, I lost my wallet yesterday and stupidly had $200+, credit cards, liscense and all that. I'm over it though.
Pokerwise, I am doing all right. If I can wake up a little bit more, I am going to play the million guar on Stars and if they will Fing give me my money, play the bodog, FT and Doyle (maybe).

We'll see. I am going to try and make a sick graph for my Nov $$$. It should look pretty funny.