Monday, April 23, 2007


PICTURES! The time has come to put some sweet pics of me up and so, without further ado, here is me in all my sexyness.

I am not the woman. I have the "1" hip number.

Lets see if that works. It worked.

Here is me with a shotgun. Yes, I am in a frat. No, I don't like it. I did it because I get free-housing and a single room.

All my other pics are on my laptop but those pretty much capture the essence of my being...running and shotgun (?) shooting.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


I decided to play in a few tournies today because I wanted to play the Stars $1Mil. I got down to 16 or something in a $22 1 rebuy/add-on when I lost some sort of stupid hand where I was ahead. I actualyl got quite deep in the $1 Mil. I got card dead near the end and got scared that I would just blind away and made some stupid plays before I decided to push Q7o (!?!! Fucking idiot.) with 5.5 BB's, dumb dumb dumb. Hopefully, I learned my lesson. I think I was busting out of a lot of MTTs because of similar situations where I would get scared (Go for top 3, not ITM) and make bad pushes with >10 BB's. I would like to play more MTT's in the future, exspecially with the way cash has been going.

I just can't seem to make anything go with cash. I havn't had a winning session in 4 or 5 days now and just drop ~$400-600 right at the get go and then have to work that back before I actually see profit. Then tonight I just dropped 600 huno and don't even feel like grinding it back. Blah. I'm going to get a coach. I have contacted and hopefully sometime this week I can do an hour phone sweat with and drastically improve my game- which I think it really needs. Now I am going to smoke some $30 cubans..weee! Balla.

Friday, April 20, 2007


Its 4/20! Obv. not going to smoke because of conference and whatnot but hey, people in class are going to be high.

Poker is been sorta me-eh. I lost 4 buy-ins playing 1/2, jumped up to 25/50, won it back and called it good. I think I played some more 1/2 and won a buy-in or something. I also played the $150 and got 98th for $300ish. Freaking guy called me with 56s after I pushed in the SB for like 8k more at 1/2k with AQo.

Its a lot different playing poker when winning mattered. Before, because I'm a spoiled kid, if I lost I could just reload and be fine. Now I dont' want to do that. If I lose the money in my Stars account, I'm in trouble. If I don't make enough money once I get to China, then I'm going to have to come back to the US and do somthing here which would be the worst thing that could possible happen, ever. So the moral is, if you are playing me at $1/2, don't take my money because if you do, I'll have to leave China and my travels and come back to the US.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Ugh. I had my first losing session today and it wasn't pretty. I dropped neary 4 buy-ins really quickily mostly due to some bad plays. The mornings seem to be far more aggresive and not nearly as passive/tight as the afternoon. I guess I just have to get used to it and I think I can really exploit it the people calling with all sorts of shit.

I'm still rocking over 5ptbb/100 which is my goal for $1/2 NL. If I can maintain that winrate, I really should be rolling in the dough pretty soon here. Unless I really feel ready, I can't play tournies as I just get frusterated and push push push. I'm looking at houses in Vegas and if I were to come back to the States, I think I would defiently try out Vegas for a little bit. I can get a pretty sick room for $500/month with a bunch of other addicts. Sweeeettttttttttt

Saturday, April 14, 2007


I'm glad I came back. +1k yesterday. +200 after 500 hands today. 12ptbb/100 over the last 3k hands. I should never have quit. Now I really have to get cracking so I can live a pimp life style while I am in China/not go broke and have to come home.

People are really excited that I am ACTUALLY doing this but I think pretty pesimistic that I might be back in the US in like a month, max. Which is wired because I do have a bunch of money saved up that would be very difficult to put into PokerStars. And honestly, I'm not going to live the baller life-style, I'm too cheap for that. I'll prolly end up spending 2k a month which if I'm making 1k a day, means I can save quite a bit for when I get back to start up my business.

I ordered the Canon Rebel XTi from the FPP store and it still has not come yet. I have not even got an email saying that it is on its way and am worried its not going to come before I leave for 38 days!! muhhaha.

I went to REI yesterday and got a pretty nice backpack which I'm excited to try out. Its really brightly colored but other than that, is perfect. Tons of pockets, big enough to fit my computer and camera and most importantly during monsoon season, waterproof.

This is a good place to really just ramble I feel. Nobody reads it but they COULD be reading it so I actually do bother to write things here. I'm not sure how I could make this blog more popular, maybe for starters becoming a better writer. I'll work on that.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


I quit again for about 20 days. I was doing OK but really felt like I neeed buckle down and do other things before graduating. I actually got some solid work done on my thesis so I feel like I can come back tomorrow and play a lot of poker and be hapy with myself. I really havn't updated in awhile.

I am graduating in 30 days. I bought a one-way ticket to China bit ago and leave on May 21st. I don't have any plans once I get there. I want try out the travel/poker lifestyle for a bit and see how it goes. I figure if I make $2,000 a month, which really should not be hard, I'll be fine. I'm going to try and get a pretty sick pad for $600/month in China starting on June 1st. Until then I'll live with a friend who is going to be there or get a cheap hotel. $600/month could buy me a 2br, fully-furnished apartment right near downtown so I really will be pimping.

Say I suck at poker, drop down to $1/2 NL. I make 2.5ptBB/100. I 4-table 40 hours a month (Nothing). Thats $10/100/hrx4 tables = $40 an hour. x40 = $1600. Oh, thats nothing.

I get the checks sent back to the parents. They deposit and I get $1k to spend on misc. $1k ain't much so I pretty double that to 80 hours a month at first. Ok, So I rocked 5ptbb/100 playing 11k hands of $1/2 and I feel like I have gotten better.

5pt/bb at $1/2 is $20 a table/hr. $20x4= $80 an hour. I'll need to play 63 hours to make $5,000/month at $80 an hour. Almost a full time job. I'm rabling now but really like to pump out these numbers because they make me happy. I rocked 2pbb/100 at $2/4 NL. Thats $16/100/table over 25k hands. I'm not rolled for that yet so lets move back down to .5/1. I play 10k hands at $100 NL. I've got $5k now. I'd like to get to $6.5k before move up to $1/2. 15 buy-ins. I can make that in one day at $100 NL. Realisticaly though, if I rock 5ptbb/100 thats $10/100. I need to play 15k hands at $100 NL. Thats a bit to much. Lets go for 10k hands. Thats like 10 days of pretty good work.

Who am I kidding though? I'll move up to $1/2 after like 500 hands of crushing $100 NL. Suckers, I'm freaking going to China.