Monday, February 26, 2007


So I quit for a bit. I decided I need to finish up school and am not sure that I will if I continue to play poker so much. Yeah, just cut back. Eh, I don't really do things in moderation. I'm not sure if this will work because most likely I will just pick up a new vice (Maybe WoW?). I already started playing Infantry again but am getting bored with that.

I don't want to do any work at all. Not even for 20 minutes. I just want to graduate, move to another country, get my own place and live the life I want too. Not that I'm not having fun now- I just got a girlfriend- but I think that moving to Thailand or India will be such a blast. 6 months in each place. I need to start learning languages, not stupid collective bargaining agreements between CA and OR. Frick that.

So in 3 months, I'll be back.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I didn't even win a hand today. I just played a session during class and lost EVERY single hand. I was pretty pumped last night because I actually cashed in the $150 nightly- got 14th place for a solid 1k. I was pretty pissed because it fold around to SB who raised and I pushed with 66 which is no good against A8s. Sucker. I prolly would have won 30k if the A hadn't hit too =( It gives me a reason to play again though. Below are my results over the last 36k hands. Obv. the last 300 hands or so hurt pretty bad. Hopefully, if I play again later, I can make some of that back up.

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We'll see how that looks.


I didn't even win a hand today. I just played a session during class and lost EVERY single hand. I was pretty pumped last night because I actually cashed in the $150 nightly- got 14th place for a solid 1k. I was pretty pissed because it fold around to SB who raised and I pushed with 66 which is no good against A8s. Sucker. I prolly would have won 30k if the A hadn't hit too =( It gives me a reason to play again though. Below are my results over the last 36k hands. Obv. the last 300 hands or so hurt pretty bad. Hopefully, if I play again later, I can make some of that back up.

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We'll see how that looks.


I didn't even win a hand today. I just played a session during class and lost EVERY single hand. I was pretty pumped last night because I actually cashed in the $150 nightly- got 14th place for a solid 1k. I was pretty pissed because it fold around to SB who raised and I pushed with 66 which is no good against A8s. Sucker. I prolly would have won 30k if the A hadn't hit too =( It gives me a reason to play again though. Below are my results over the last 36k hands. Obv. the last 300 hands or so hurt pretty bad. Hopefully, if I play again later, I can make some of that back up.

We'll see how that looks.


I didn't even win a hand today. I just played a session during class and lost EVERY single hand. I was pretty pumped last night because I actually cashed in the $150 nightly- got 14th place for a solid 1k. I was pretty pissed because it fold around to SB who raised and I pushed with 66 which is no good against A8s. Sucker. I prolly would have won 30k if the A hadn't hit too =( It gives me a reason to play again though. Below are my results over the last 36k hands. Obv. the last 300 hands or so hurt pretty bad. Hopefully, if I play again later, I can make some of that back up.

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We'll see how that looks.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Wow. I just finished playing 5,000 hands of $1/2 NL. That is the most of ever played- a quarter of what I have played this month alone. Unfortunatly, I only ran at 2bb/100 mostly because, well, a little bit of everything. I also played some guy HU on 3 tables and ran pretty poorly. I'm actually reall tired and can't even type right now. The point is- lots of hands, OK results, good prospects for the future.

Sunday, February 11, 2007


The end of an era- that of me losing money. From here on out and for the past month and a half I have played very well. Besides playing the occasional tourny that I don't actually plan on finishing, I have dominated $1/2 NL to the point of deciding I can do this for a living. No, I'm not going to drop out of school. I've got another 3 months, exactly, before the big day I say goodbye to school forever.

If I can occur, through poker and the stockmarket, at least $20,000 I will be travling the world for as long as my money lasts. Hopefully on the way, I'll be able to play more poker, make more money and thus begins the start of a new era- the travling poker player. Prehaps the title of a new blog.

I really would like some readers, one would be plenty. Its pretty bad that I have written in this blog for two+ years and I'm not sure even one person has read a word of it. So I'm going to start posing more on 2+2 and signing with a link. So if you have come here from 2+2, please leave a comment to know that somebody, anybody has read this. I'm not the best writer but it is an interesting evolution of a player who has gone through so many ups and downs, I dont' even try and keep track of them anymore.

My AIM is RolonPoker. I'd also like to start chatting with some other serious players. Nobody at my school plays poker seriously. I can't have people watch me play anymore because they belittle me for folding QJo UTG. I can't stand talking to these people anymore. This is a plea for help. I must sound pretty desperate and I sort of am. Its odd, I have no trouble making friends in real life but seem to find it impossible to make friends over the internet, whether it be EverQuest, WoW, forums, IRC or poker. I'm a nice guy- get to know me.

I'm going to attempt to update this everyday. I'll offer my demi-good-like poker wisdom. Prehaps that will entice people to read- who could pass that up?

For now,

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Today wasn't too good but yesterday was so I'm doing alright for the month. I'm actually playing a lot of hands lately, getting at least 1,000 in a day. Except today I made two really dumb plays that cost me my stack. Ugh. ...stop with the freaking dumb plays. I really want to play a tourny, I think tomorrow is tourny day if I get all my homework, etc. done.

Friday, February 02, 2007


Oh good poker, how I love 'thee. If only I could play more and focus at the same time. I played 1,300 hands the other day in order to get Gold Star and made a bunch of money. idea. I'm just going to play for VIP points, not for number of hands. I'm going to get Plat level this like 15,000 hands this month. Starting now! Too bad I'm going away for this weekend but after that, I'm going to freaking just rock those VIPs and the money should float in on the wind. I just ramble here- not really talk about anything uesful. Although I should use paragraphes.

There. I need to make $2,000/month in order to be able to do live abroad in Thailand or some such country and live independtly. $200 a month for aprt. $200 for food. $400 for misc. That leaves $1,200 for savings/investment. Thats what I'm going to do. After I run out of things to do in the States like internship/peace corps. Its going to be sooo in freaking Thailand. I need to learn Thai...umm...any teachers out there?

Life news? I'm doing track. I can run fast again. I play magic cards and got my whole frat to. I joined a ping-pong club and play every Tues/Thurs pretty competitivly. I'm writing my thesis and will graduate in 3 months. I lost all social skills. Don't have a girlfriend/friends. Eh, life goes on.