Sunday, December 28, 2008

12/29/08: Thailand recap

Here is a quick blog I wrote at the of my trip but never got around to putting up. I'll write a longer post at some point...

It felt like it took forever but I finally made it to Thailand. We had a super weird schedule where we flew into Bangkok at 12:30 AM, checked into a hotel, chilled in the morning for a couple hours and then had to go back to the airport at noonish to catch a flight to Phuket. It was odd because we were in transit for the first, like, 60 hours of our trip, which is never fun.

Anywho, I finally made it to Phuket and I'm up at 3:00 AM typing this out after being awoken by some sweet Techno music and motorcycles zooming by. We have a super nice apartment but its pretty damn noisy. Whatever, island time ftw.

Other than that, nothing too exciting yet. We checked out some resturants and found one selling 100g of lobster for $5 (in the US I'm pretty sure its like 5x as expensive although I don't know as I've never had it in the US) and naturally got a couple hundred grams each. Delicious!

The sun should rise soon and then I'm off for a long walk along the beach. Maybe get a Thai oil massage as is good. Oh, and the stock market didn't crash although I'm not sure about the Fed stepping in and bailing the auto's out. Seems like a bad idea to me.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Dec 7th: Fun week!

A week ago to the day I played a bunch of Sunday tournies and rocked 2nd place on the very last one I reg'd for. I'm doing the same thing today. I figure if I can win $10k every Sunday that'd be good enough for me. $520k a year don't sound too shabby. As for the past week, I haven't been up to much.

I've been rock climbing at my gym a bunch. I went to the casino on Weds, won $1.2k in cash monies (which, by the way, feels infitely sweeter than any money won online) bought a bunch of shit because I was feeling good (6 bottles of champagne, shopping spree, etc) and then went back the next day and lost it all back + more. Whoops, guess I didn't need all that champagne.

I'm leaving for Thailand on Wednesday which I'm really excited about. I was worried there for a second because of the airports shutting down and whatnot. what other country would they allow their citizines to shut down both airports and essentially tourism for 10 days? MAI BEN RAI!

Time to focus, GL GL GL ME!

Monday, December 01, 2008

Dec 1st: Hell yeah!

I lied about not winning money yesterday. Turns out I got 2nd in the $100 1r+a 6max on FTP for just over $11k. Yay me!