It’s obviously been quite awhile since I’ve posted anything which is mostly due to the fact that A) I hardly play any poker anymore (which is weird as you’ll find out soon) B) I don’t do all that much in RL C) And the main reason; I thought I was down huge over the last 3 or 4 months.
For the last 3 or 4 months it seemed like I didn’t have a winning session. I would jump on, put in 200 or 300 hands HU or 1k hands in 6max and seemingly get crushed. I’d normally say fuck it after the 3rd or 4th beat/bad play and not log on for another week. But this whole time I never looked at PT3 or OPR and just assumed I was losing my whole BR because while, that’s what it felt like. BUT, it turns out that I’m up like tons of money.
Here is my last 120 days on FTP (+6k)-
And here PS (+9k)-
And lastly my graph since 10/19-

(On Stars I’m up like $30 over 30k hands, mostly ½ 6max)
So I’m actually up almost $20k in the last 4 months although I’m probably down $2k live + that Vegas trip which was -$5kish. This makes me all very happy and reinvorgerates me to play more. Other very good news is that the UIGEA looks closer and closer to being repealed and online poker legalized in the US again. Which, naturally, would be sick and probably mean that I’d take a year off life and actually do the grind thing.
Life stuff: I’m heading to Palm Springs tomorrow to see the Grandparents and rock climb at Joshua Tree. I’m moving out of my apartment Feb 28th and take off to China March 1st. I plan on enrolling in BLCU so I actually learn Chinese and then hopefully I can get a job in Microfinance. Other than that, just be chilling and reading a ton. I got really into Magic Online after reading a thread on 2p2 about it and played for about 36 hours straight. It was so sick. But like most things, I had to stop because I can’t seem to do moderation well.
Lastly, here is a pic from Thailand. This is at Krabbi beach-- my favorite place in the entire world. My sister and I kyacked around this super calm, bay with these huge sheer cliffs all over the place that were perfect for climbing. So we'd kyack out to one of these little islands and I'd just stand up and start climbing.