Monday, April 24, 2006


muuuuuhahahhaha! Finally! At least for a couple days, I have not done anything stupid. No $100 MTT's, no $10/20 limit or $1k NL. I've been grinding out the $1/2 and have been seeing mucho success. I finally understand why BR management is so important. When I do bad, I go and play high limits to earn that money back because I know I'm the best...I've been beaten it before- I can do it again! Of course, thats wrong. But now I'm actually playing in my BR..I can handle a bad beat. I actually say to myself, "Good, that guy is a donk and will call to the river with nothing and next time he does, he is going to miss and I'm going to win." Its such a nice feeling to have these sort of 'revalations.' I'm doing well. I think I can continue to do well for awhile now and actually BUILD my BR, not just get lucky and get a BR.

I'm actually taking breaks, too. I got tired, made a bunch of money so I'm taking a break and might do some hw. School still comes first. I have to work it out so that I can play poker over the summer. I'm not to thrilled about going home, parents are kinda, eh sometimes. I love 'em to death but just don't want to live with 'em again.

Quick poker thoughts:
Don't cont. 90 percent of hands. I don't know where I read that but its simply the thing that I has fucked up my game beyond my belief. I attribute about $10,000 loss to this single thing. I use to cont. bet 100 times in a row. Don't do that...its bad- gad its bad. I can't say this enough- cont betting is good but you need a reason, you can't just cont bet to cont. bet. IT'S BAD!

Folding when you know your beat- This is though for everything and I mean everybody. When your betting on the flop because you know they have a flush draw and then that flush draw comes and they suddenly bet, they more often than not caught the flush draw. I need to trust my reads- I surprise myself sometimes with my reads. When K10 comes and I say, He has K10! Why do I keep calling? BLAH ME. Honestly.

Other than that, I'm up to $465. I was up to $500 but played dumb (thus, I stopped) and lost some. I'm rocking a 4.76 BB/100 right now over 3.8k hands. Maybe one of these days, I'll get around to posting my actually stats but I'm running at 30/20 right now. Solid! Stick to that $1/2 6-max limit.



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