Sunday, April 30, 2006


funny funny. I was down to about $40 at one point and am now rocking at about 100 but I'm playing the 2/4 game c

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

fuck poker. I'm back down to $200 and pretty much have to start over. Maybe I'll drop down to the .50/1 gmae. Gad, I hate poker. Sometimes I honestly don't hit a card for like 1,000 hands. its rough.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Well, I just went on a sick run and made about $60..but then lost it plus about $20 so I'm cruising around $350-400. I have no clue what happened. I don't feel like I changed my game at all but all of a sudden...I didnt' catch a card and the money kept going down. It still is in fact. Should I stop because I'm not catching cards? Maybe its something else. Point is, this pretty much sucks. I hate swings! I think I might win a hand!

Monday, April 24, 2006


muuuuuhahahhaha! Finally! At least for a couple days, I have not done anything stupid. No $100 MTT's, no $10/20 limit or $1k NL. I've been grinding out the $1/2 and have been seeing mucho success. I finally understand why BR management is so important. When I do bad, I go and play high limits to earn that money back because I know I'm the best...I've been beaten it before- I can do it again! Of course, thats wrong. But now I'm actually playing in my BR..I can handle a bad beat. I actually say to myself, "Good, that guy is a donk and will call to the river with nothing and next time he does, he is going to miss and I'm going to win." Its such a nice feeling to have these sort of 'revalations.' I'm doing well. I think I can continue to do well for awhile now and actually BUILD my BR, not just get lucky and get a BR.

I'm actually taking breaks, too. I got tired, made a bunch of money so I'm taking a break and might do some hw. School still comes first. I have to work it out so that I can play poker over the summer. I'm not to thrilled about going home, parents are kinda, eh sometimes. I love 'em to death but just don't want to live with 'em again.

Quick poker thoughts:
Don't cont. 90 percent of hands. I don't know where I read that but its simply the thing that I has fucked up my game beyond my belief. I attribute about $10,000 loss to this single thing. I use to cont. bet 100 times in a row. Don't do that...its bad- gad its bad. I can't say this enough- cont betting is good but you need a reason, you can't just cont bet to cont. bet. IT'S BAD!

Folding when you know your beat- This is though for everything and I mean everybody. When your betting on the flop because you know they have a flush draw and then that flush draw comes and they suddenly bet, they more often than not caught the flush draw. I need to trust my reads- I surprise myself sometimes with my reads. When K10 comes and I say, He has K10! Why do I keep calling? BLAH ME. Honestly.

Other than that, I'm up to $465. I was up to $500 but played dumb (thus, I stopped) and lost some. I'm rocking a 4.76 BB/100 right now over 3.8k hands. Maybe one of these days, I'll get around to posting my actually stats but I'm running at 30/20 right now. Solid! Stick to that $1/2 6-max limit.


Sunday, April 23, 2006

Ah you own my soul. Am I addicted? YES! And I'm loving it, too. I play far too much poker for my own good and its tough because its around finals and I have a couple papers to write. However, I'm really starting to learn from my mistakes, mostly because of this blog where I can record my thoughts. Before, I wasn't *learning.* That's key.

Anyway, two thoughts from me.

The check-behind- After making a posistion raise and there are two+ other people in the pot and they both check after the flop, I check behind them to see what they do on the turn. Generally, if they then check on the turn, you can beat out and take down the pot with nothing.

Ax early- Fold! Pick your posistions, fold everything up to A10, including A9.


Saturday, April 22, 2006


Ugh. I guess that seems to be the trend every coupel days, eh? I, of course, did some stupid again and lost half my BR, taking me down to $150 at the present. .... . Right.

I really can see why you have to keep tight BR managment because its not possible to be a winning player when you lose 1/2 your BR in like 2 hours. Its not I even played THAT bad (I'll be the first to admit it wasn't my best day) but when I have a day like that, when I don't play excellent, I lose almost ALL my money and I have to start at the bottom again.

I'm not sure I can even play 1/2 with my current BR. I'm in a $15 turbo right so if I win this, I think I can. If not, I'm going to have to do move down to .5/1 or maybe move to NL. Gad, I just can't figure out what I like best. Limit sometimes gets to tiring...oh wait, thats when you stop?

Its true, I'm a dumbass, I can't play poker if I can't fucking stay within my limits and not blow all my money. I can't play so much- I get to tired as well. There are alot of leaks in my game but hopefully by consistently writing in this blog, I can idtentify them and fix them.

What you fucked up (this time..)

You can't play high limits because you might lose half your BR- to somebody drawing out or just playing bad (!)
Stop when tired. People will still play later. Read a book, eh?

Here is to listening to myself.

Friday, April 21, 2006


Currently procrastinating a paper that is due in 1 hour; do you think I can procrastinate any longer or is this not even procrastinating, is it just not doing it? Regardless, I'm rocking away at the $1/2 tables. I've decided to do one table at $2/4 when the fish come out. During the day, there are too many solid players and although I consider myself a good poker player, there is no point in playing other good players, that is ludicris.

Although I'm not rocking quite as well as before, I'm still maintaining above a 2 BB/100 over near 2k hands which of course is not near enough hands to tell if I'm a good player but eh. I just lost a whole buy-in at $2/4 which kind of hurt so I'm down to $260 after being up to $350 yesterday.

I've decided that I can do well at MTT's, I just really have to be patient. If I can do that, I can do well. I played both the $3 and $5 rebuy yesterday and got ITM in the $5 and almost in the $4. I lost in both by slow playing with AA and KK, so I know I need some work still. I've gotta be carfull.

Hopefully I can get back up to $350 soon and then on-wards and out-wards!


Thursday, April 20, 2006


I've been thinking about it and I don't think I've ever stayed at the same limit for more than about two days. Maybe 5/10 but I think I always dabbled somewhere else. I've got new 'goals' (although I really should find a new name for them because we all know they arn't really going to happen) and that is to play $1/2 limit until I've got my BR at $700 and I can play some $2/4. I'm all about the 6-max 1/2 right now, just two tables and I'm rolling at almost 13 BB/100 over 500 hands. Its been a good run but I hope it lasts.

I'm also writting this big history paper as I play which is working not so good. At some point, I'll have to move to the lib. so I actually get some work done.

Current BR: $305 and rising.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Ugh. I just had a pretty bad morning session, getting in about 500 hands. Although I'm still in a 180-man $4 and sitting pretty with about 5k chips. I also tried one table of $25 NL and did fairly well until I made one terriable play which costs me pretty much all my profits on the table. Other than that, I just played pretty badly on the $10 tables, making bad plays and trying big bluffs that failed miserably. I'm going to finish this tourny up and then take a break. First anybody?

Monday, April 17, 2006

more from 4/17/06

I ended my first full day of grinding the pennies and was able to get in over 1500 hands running at 18 BB/100 putting me up to $258. Not bad for the first day.

The one big lesson I learned is that I have to be patient when the cards arn't coming because when they do, I'll make it up. For the first 800 hands, I ran real good and then for about 400 hands I didn't get anything. Then for the last 300 I was golden again. There are ups and downs and I have to relize this. I can't play different based on what cards I'm getting, or something like that.

Also, can't read forums while I play! I have to concentrate.

4/17/06 Profit: $58


Today was my first day and its going great..and its not even over! Since 7:30 AM, I have been able to get in 1,001 hands and maintain a 26.82 BB/100! An amazing run of great cards for the first 800 or so hands helped me do this and being able to be patient for the last 200 hands when I won about 1 pot and in 6-max, that hurts. I've gotten AA and KK 4 times each so I'm pretty sure this streak once last much longer but I'll ride it while it does.

I still have to work on not reading forums while I play and focusing on the game. Its hard to have played $2k NL where the BB is equal to my entire stack now. Its just not as exciting but I'm going to grind it out this time, knowing that once I get the BR, I'll be back up there to compete with the best. Maybe I can get another 1k hands in tonight? The fish come out at night, so I hope so.


I'm baaack!

Day: New start

Well, I took a small hiates because I once again blew my money doing something stupid. I can't quite remember what it was...oh right, playing a $33 rebuy. Now I'm back with $200 and hopefully can grind it out at the .05/.1 tables. I've never succesfully done any 'grinding.' I've either done really well and made a ton of money and then lost it or straight up lost it the first time around. I sort of like losing it the first time around because I don't beat myself up as much and save myself the time of going up then down.

So, once again. I have goals that I hope to abide although, although I am quite pesimistic and anybody knows me would be as well. I want to go pro though, I am a good player. I just lack disipline, GD.

Over the 250 hands I just played, I'm running 43 BB/100 which is 'bout $4 over 100 hands. Assuming an hour for 300 hands multitabling 4 tables and a much more realistic 20 BB/100 (we're talking 6-max penny games guys) I should be making $6 an hour. So lets say I play 3 hours a day, roughly 900 hands I'd be making $18 a day. My BR started at $200- now its at $225. We'll round to $20 a day. That's $140 a week. Not too bad...and lets be realistic, I'll be playing much more than 3 hours a day.

Shit, I started at 7:30 AM today and already have 400+ hands. Lets do this Ricky...if you can be consistent and can actually BEAT penny games, I can make some solid cash. I will not move up until I am CRUSHING the pennies. Lets do it.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Day 2: 4/5/06

Played about 20 Turbo's today. I'm better at the regulars, plain and simple. Its going to be hardwork to do this, I'm about to waste $33 on a rebuy so I'll have to recoup those losses tomorrow. I might as well just keep going AI and hope to get lucky...I'll prolly have a better chance.

I'm at $71-$33= $38. Then I might play $10 NL. We'll see. I keep moving around as I have no clue what I am best at and what will make me the most money the fastest. I just want to make money fast and be the best, GD! God Dammit.

I'm just rambling because its late and I'm bored. Lets try that poker tips deal...what did I learn today?

Don't let other people watch you play. I tend to play far worse when there is somebody else in the room, espcially one who knows poker and comments on my play. Surprisnly enough, instead of playing to looooooose to entertain them, I played far to tight to 'impress' them.

On a life side note (I know nobody cares), we did Sneak last night and are doing I-week starting tomorrow which means tons of time for poker, so sick! Speaking of which, I better x-fer some bucks to Neteller in case I bust....


Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Day 1: 4/4/06

I am just finishing finishing my 48th SNG of the day. I 4-tabled 5+.5 and made money and decided it was better to 8-table 6+.5 turbo's. Bad idea. I won 3 of the 18 I played and didn't make the money in one other. Blah. I've decided that the slower blind structure fits my style better. Also that I lose too much of an edge by playing 8-tables. I think that I will only play 4 until I have $200. Right now I'm at $44- Ouch.

Also some background in this first post.

I am a student at Willamette University in Salem, OR. I've been a fairly successfull live poker player but am prone to go crazy online. I make money, play something stupid ($215 MTT, $10/20 NL, etc.) and lose it all, only to repeat the process shortly. One thing that I am hoping is that by posting in this blog everday, I will be able to controll myself and play limits inside my BR.

Right now, because I only have $44 to my name, I am going to play $5 SNG's until I am up too $200. At this point, I will move up to $10 SNGs and so on. I am hoping that soon enough I will be back at the $5/10 limits which I have been able to beat over 7,000 hands- only to blow it doign something stupid.

So my goals:
1) Do well in school.
2) By Apirl 15th, have made $200 playing $5 SNGs, nothing else.
3) Apirl 30th- have made $500 playing the 10's.
4) Not playing anything but SNGs and make every decession the best decession I can- I will not gamble.
5) Trust my instincts- they are good.

Thats about all that I can think of now. Hopefully I can win the SNG I am playing right now, 3k chips, 6 left, blinds at 100/200 but have been cardead for the last 25 hands or so.


P.S. Aces and I double up! 5k and 5 players to go.