funny funny. I was down to about $40 at one point and am now rocking at about 100 but I'm playing the 2/4 game c
funny funny. I was down to about $40 at one point and am now rocking at about 100 but I'm playing the 2/4 game c
fuck poker. I'm back down to $200 and pretty much have to start over. Maybe I'll drop down to the .50/1 gmae. Gad, I hate poker. Sometimes I honestly don't hit a card for like 1,000 hands. its rough.
Well, I just went on a sick run and made about $60..but then lost it plus about $20 so I'm cruising around $350-400. I have no clue what happened. I don't feel like I changed my game at all but all of a sudden...I didnt' catch a card and the money kept going down. It still is in fact. Should I stop because I'm not catching cards? Maybe its something else. Point is, this pretty much sucks. I hate swings! I think I might win a hand!
muuuuuhahahhaha! Finally! At least for a couple days, I have not done anything stupid. No $100 MTT's, no $10/20 limit or $1k NL. I've been grinding out the $1/2 and have been seeing mucho success. I finally understand why BR management is so important. When I do bad, I go and play high limits to earn that money back because I know I'm the best...I've been beaten it before- I can do it again! Of course, thats wrong. But now I'm actually playing in my BR..I can handle a bad beat. I actually say to myself, "Good, that guy is a donk and will call to the river with nothing and next time he does, he is going to miss and I'm going to win." Its such a nice feeling to have these sort of 'revalations.' I'm doing well. I think I can continue to do well for awhile now and actually BUILD my BR, not just get lucky and get a BR.
Ah poker...how you own my soul. Am I addicted? YES! And I'm loving it, too. I play far too much poker for my own good and its tough because its around finals and I have a couple papers to write. However, I'm really starting to learn from my mistakes, mostly because of this blog where I can record my thoughts. Before, I wasn't *learning.* That's key.
Ugh. I guess that seems to be the trend every coupel days, eh? I, of course, did some stupid again and lost half my BR, taking me down to $150 at the present. .... . Right.
Currently procrastinating a paper that is due in 1 hour; do you think I can procrastinate any longer or is this not even procrastinating, is it just not doing it? Regardless, I'm rocking away at the $1/2 tables. I've decided to do one table at $2/4 when the fish come out. During the day, there are too many solid players and although I consider myself a good poker player, there is no point in playing other good players, that is ludicris.
I've been thinking about it and I don't think I've ever stayed at the same limit for more than about two days. Maybe 5/10 but I think I always dabbled somewhere else. I've got new 'goals' (although I really should find a new name for them because we all know they arn't really going to happen) and that is to play $1/2 limit until I've got my BR at $700 and I can play some $2/4. I'm all about the 6-max 1/2 right now, just two tables and I'm rolling at almost 13 BB/100 over 500 hands. Its been a good run but I hope it lasts.
Ugh. I just had a pretty bad morning session, getting in about 500 hands. Although I'm still in a 180-man $4 and sitting pretty with about 5k chips. I also tried one table of $25 NL and did fairly well until I made one terriable play which costs me pretty much all my profits on the table. Other than that, I just played pretty badly on the $10 tables, making bad plays and trying big bluffs that failed miserably. I'm going to finish this tourny up and then take a break. First anybody?
I ended my first full day of grinding the pennies and was able to get in over 1500 hands running at 18 BB/100 putting me up to $258. Not bad for the first day.
Today was my first day and its going great..and its not even over! Since 7:30 AM, I have been able to get in 1,001 hands and maintain a 26.82 BB/100! An amazing run of great cards for the first 800 or so hands helped me do this and being able to be patient for the last 200 hands when I won about 1 pot and in 6-max, that hurts. I've gotten AA and KK 4 times each so I'm pretty sure this streak once last much longer but I'll ride it while it does.
Day: New start
Played about 20 Turbo's today. I'm better at the regulars, plain and simple. Its going to be hardwork to do this, I'm about to waste $33 on a rebuy so I'll have to recoup those losses tomorrow. I might as well just keep going AI and hope to get lucky...I'll prolly have a better chance.
I am just finishing finishing my 48th SNG of the day. I 4-tabled 5+.5 and made money and decided it was better to 8-table 6+.5 turbo's. Bad idea. I won 3 of the 18 I played and didn't make the money in one other. Blah. I've decided that the slower blind structure fits my style better. Also that I lose too much of an edge by playing 8-tables. I think that I will only play 4 until I have $200. Right now I'm at $44- Ouch.